Các trang web OER (Open Educational Resources - Tài nguyên giáo dục mở)
Academic Earth
Courses from thirteen major universities including Stanford, MIT, UC-Berkeley, and The University of Oxford; disciplines include Art & Design, Business, Engineering, Humanities, Medicine & Healthcare, Science & Math, Social Science, and Test Preparation
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) offered by 107 institutions worldwide including Johns Hopkins, The National Geographic Society, The University of Maryland, and Tel Aviv University
MOOCs offered through Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, The University of Texas and other colleges and universities
Khan Academy
Free courses for anyone, including especially extensive math options
JHSPH Open CourseWare
Course materials and images from The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
MIT OpenCourseWare
Virtually all MIT course content open and available to the world
Notre Dame OpenCourseWare
A free and open digital publication of course materials in over twenty disciplines
OCW Search
A search engine for finding free online university courses from MIT, Notre Dame, Yale, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Stanford Engineering School, The Open University UK, UMass Boston, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, the University of Tokyo, and Delft University of Technology
Open Course Library
Shared course materials can include syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments designed by teams of college faculty, instructional designers, librarians, and other experts; some materials are paired with low cost textbooks (under $30), but many are free
Open Education Consortium: The Global Network for Open Education
A community of over 250 universities and associated organizations worldwide sharing free, open, high-quality education materials organized as courses; materials from more than 13,000 courses in 20 languages
Open Learning Initiative
Free noncredit courses on a platform devised at Carnegie Mellon University; educator resources included
Saylor Academy
Free K-12, university, and professional development courses
Washington 45
Provided by Washington State Community and Technical College faculty, course materials for general education classes
Yale Open Courses
Lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses