Các trang web OER (Open Educational Resources for Chemistry)
- Biochemical Pathway Database
An online database that allows users to perform a search on a biochemical molecule, reaction or pathway. Information on the molecular properties or reaction pathways can be obtained with a simple search.
- BRENDA Enzyme Database
This enzyme information system consists of detailed information about each enzyme. It also provides link to the literature reference from which such data is extracted.
- ChemBank
Contains data specific to small molecules, assays and proteins. One time registration is needed for the first-time user.
- ChemRxiv
ChemRxiv is an open access preprint archive for chemistry. It is operated by the American Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry and German Chemical Society.
- ChemSpider
This free database by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) features information such as the experimental physico-chemical properties, spectra, reactions as well as link of references related to the queried compound.
- Common Chemistry - from CAS
An ideal resource to obtain the CAS Registry Number for a particular chemical of interest.
- InTech - Chemistry Books
InTech publishes more than 2,300 open textbooks and 6 journals in a variety of subjects that fall under the heading of science, technology, and medicine.
Licenses vary. Verify individual items. - MERLOT - Chemistry
A curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
- MIT Open Courseware - Chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the forerunners in open courseware, making "virtually all MIT course content" available online for public access.
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 - NIST Chemistry WebBook
Contains thermodynamic and spectral data of chemical compounds compiled by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- OER Commons - STEM Learning Resources
Resources designed to prepare educators for collaborating across the curriculum to build STEM literacy, interest, and engagement that will inspire students.
- PubChem
Displays structural information and the list of PubMed citations as well as patents available when a substance query is performed. Users can also conduct a search for a particular patent here.
- The National Academies Press (NAP)
A great resource that provides textbooks on chemistry and science related fields.
- TOXNET: Toxicology Data Network
An online resource of databases on hazardous chemicals.