- Aceh Books External This link opens in a new window
This digital collection offers full-text access to more than 1200 publications on Aceh, the province located at the northern end of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. The books form part of the collection of the Royal Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden which is kept at the Leiden University Library. The titles date from the seventeenth till the turn of the twenty-first century and are in a variety of languages such as Indonesian, Acehnese, English and Dutch. Due to copyright issues titles published after 1900 can only be accessed from desktop computers situated in the University Library.
- All Academic External This link opens in a new window
All Academic is a data warehouse and full-text archive service allowing searching for a variety of association annual meetings and publications (sessions, abstracts, journals, papers, panels).
- American Doctoral Dissertations External This link opens in a new window
American Doctoral Dissertations, is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Created with the generous support of the H. W. Wilson Foundation and the Congregational Library & Archives in Boston, it incorporates EBSCO?s previously released American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955, and features additional dissertation metadata contributed by select American colleges and universities. Providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a broad span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions. The subset of this database, American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955, provides electronic access to the only comprehensive record of dissertations completed during that time period, the print index Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities. Containing twenty-two years of dissertation research and amounting to nearly 100,000 citations, this index was compiled annually for the National Research Council and The American Council of Learned Societies by the Association of Research Libraries. It was published by the H. W. Wilson Company.
Coverage: Early 20th century to the present
- ANSINetwork External This link opens in a new window
Publishes over 32 scientific journals in the field of life sciences to applied sciences. Includes flagship titles such as Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, Journal of Applied Sciences, International Journal of Botany and Journal of Medical Sciences.
- Archive-IT External This link opens in a new window
Archive-It is a web archiving service from the Internet Archive that helps organizations harvest, build, and preserve collections of digital content. Through the web application, Archive-It partners can collect, catalog, and manage their collections of archived content with 24/7 access and full text search available for their use as well as their patrons. Using the browse and search functionality, users may investigate a particular site or a collection of sites established by participants and then access the archived content. Most of the Archive-It collections are publicly available websites. Archive-It works with over 190 partner organizations in 44 U.S. states and 16 countries worldwide.
- ArchiveGrid External This link opens in a new window
An index to historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. This database contains nearly 1 million records (largely summary descriptions) of archival and manuscript collections plus more than 50,000 finding aids (detailed lists describing the content of collections) from over from 190 contributors. Also includes RLG's AMC (Archival and Mixed Collections) file. ArchiveGrid also helps researchers contact archives to request information, arrange a visit, and order copies. It also includes collection descriptions from WorldCat bibliographic records and from finding aids harvested from ArchiveGrid contributors' websites.To try the new beta version of ArchiveGrid.
- Archives of Sexuality and Gender External This link opens in a new window
The Archives of Sexuality and Gender program provides a robust and significant collection of primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century, researchers and scholars can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other interesting topical areas. This growing archival program offers rich research opportunities across a wide span of human history. Collections currently available at the Library of Congress are:
- LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I
- LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part II
- Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
- International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture
- Archives Portal Europe External This link opens in a new window
The Archives Portal Europe is one of the main milestones achieved by the participants of the APEnet Project supported by the European Commission in the eContentplus Programme. The project's consortium currently consists of twelve national archives/national archive administrations and five associate members:
- Archivos Estatales (Spain)
- Archiwa Państwowe (Poland)
- Arhiv Republike Slovenije (Slovenia)
- Bundesarchiv (Germany)
- Γενικά αρχεία του κράτους (Greece)
- Direcção-Geral de Arquivos (Portugal)
- Direction des Archives de France
- Kansallisarkisto (Finland)
- Latvijas Arhīvi (Latvia)
- Nationaal Archief (The Netherlands)
- National Archives of Malta
- Riksarkivet (Sweden)
- National Archives of Ireland
- National Archives of Belgium
- Държавна Агенция Арxиви (Bulgaria)
- Department of Archives Administration and Records Management of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
- Rahvusarhiiv (Estonia)
Users can search across the holdings of 63 institutions with the aid of finding aids (detailed, hierarchically structured descriptions of the archival material in a specific institution's fonds and collections). Finding aids may include links to digitizations of the archival materials at the institutions' own websites. If users need to plan on-site visits to consult the original material, the Directory section--containing contact details and services offered by the different institutions--can be consulted. The directory not only includes those institutions already presenting their archival material in the Archives Portal Europe, but also other institutions from the participating countries whose content is not yet available in the portal.
- Archives Unbound External This link opens in a new window
Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students at the college and university level.
See especially the following collection: The Observer: News for the American Soldier in Vietnam, 1962-1973
- Asan Forum External This link opens in a new window
The Asan Forum is an online publication for in-depth interpretation of rapid changes across the Asia-Pacific region. Its primary mission is to capture the latest currents of thought within Asia on transformative issues as expressed through voices from the region and assessments by outsiders. While current events and how they are interpreted are in the forefront, insight into the historical and cultural background relevant to distinct national responses is also stressed. The objective is to stimulate well-informed observations from diverse perspectives that highlight what political elites and the media in Asia are currently discussing
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) External This link opens in a new window
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), a multilateral development finance institution, promotes economic and social progress by fighting poverty in Asia and the Pacific.ADB extends loans and provides technical assistance to its developing member countries for a broad range of development projects and programs. It also promotes and facilitates investment of public and private capital for economic and social development.
- Asian Economic and Social Society Journals External This link opens in a new window
As part of the Asian Economic and Social Society's objectives of advancing and encouraging research in the field of scientific and social sciences and publishing high quality theoretical and empirical research papers, the AESS publishes a number of Open Access journals in the fields of business, finance, economics, social science, agriculture, scientific research, and English language and literature.
- BASAbali Wiki Library External This link opens in a new window
The BASAbali Wiki provides access to a Balinese-English-Indonesian dictionary, and a virtual library of freely available resources on Bali. BASAbali is self-described as "a collaboration of scholars, governments, artists, and community members from within and outside of Bali which is encouraging people to value local languages and to take action to strengthen them alongside of national and international tongues."
- Biographical Directory of the United States Congress This link opens in a new window
The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress is a biographical dictionary of all present and former members of the United States Congress as well as its predecessor, the Continental Congress. Also included are Delegates from territories and the District of Columbia and Resident Commissioners from the Philippines and Puerto Rico. The on-line version goes well beyond the scope of the printed Biographical Directory to include images from the large photo collections of the Senate Historical Office and the Legislative Resource Center, additional information previously published in separate volumes (Guide to Research Collections of Former United States Senators Senators of the United States: a Historical Bibliography and Guide to Research Collections of Former Members of the House of Representatives), links to other sources of congressional information, and continuously updated entries that provide biographical information in clear and easy-to-read formats. Database searchable by name, state, position, party and year.
- Bioline International External This link opens in a new window
Bioline International (BI) is a not-for-profit electronic publishing service committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. BI's goal of reducing the South to North knowledge gap is crucial to a global understanding of health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development. With peer-reviewed journals from Brazil, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe and more to come, BI provides a unique service by making bioscience information generated in these countries available to the international research community world-wide.
- Brill Open Access External This link opens in a new window
As a major publisher in the Humanities, Social Sciences and International Law, Brill sees its academic book publications as a cornerstone of its publishing program, and is, therefore, extending Brill Open to all its book series. Radboud Studies in Humanities is the first fully Open Access book series published by Brill. A special focus of the series is its interdisciplinary approach that demonstrates the relevance of the humanities to society at large. All series titles will become available simultaneously in print and as Open Access e-books.
- Brookings External This link opens in a new window
The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Their mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative, practical recommendations that advance three broad goals: 1) Strengthen American democracy 2) Foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans and 3) Secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system. Brookings is proud to be consistently ranked as the most influential, most quoted and most trusted think tank. Research areas include: Business and Finance, Defense and Security, Economics, Education, Energy and Environment, Fiscal Policy, Global Development, Health, International Affairs, Law and Justice, Metropolitan Areas, Politics and Elections, Social Policy, Technology and U.S. Government.
Includes access to Vital Statistics on Congress, providing impartial data on the U.S. Congress and its members. Vital Statistics purpose has always been to collect useful data on our first branch of government in the election and composition of its membership as well as its formal procedure, such as the use of the filibuster, informal norms, party structure and staff. This dataset also documents the increasing polarization of Congress and the demographics of those who serve in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Includes: Demographics of Members of Congress, Congressional Elections, Campaign Finance in Congressional Elections, Congressional Committee Data, Congressional Staff and Operating Expenses, Legislative Productivity in Congress & Workload, Congressional Action on the Federal Budget and Political Polarization in Congress and Changing Voting Alignments.
- Buddhist Digital Resource Center External This link opens in a new window
The Buddhist Digital Resource Center, formerly Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center is a 501c nonprofit organization dedicated to seeking out, preserving, organizing, and disseminating Buddhist literature. Joining digital technology with scholarship, BDRC ensures that the ancient wisdom and cultural treasures of the Buddhist literary tradition are not lost, but are made available for future generations. BDRC is committed to seeking out, preserving, organizing, and disseminating Buddhist literature. Founded in 1999 by E. Gene Smith, BDRC is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts and hosts a digital library of the largest collection of digitized Tibetan texts in the world. Current programs focus on the preservation of texts in Pali, Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan.
Access to content is freely available, but the downloading of scanned Tibetan literature is only available in the Asian Reading Room. For complete access and help see staff in the Asian Reading Room.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis This link opens in a new window
From the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Bureau of Economic Analysis provides economic statistics for the United States and internationally. Includes information on:
- National: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Personal Income and Outlays, Consumer Spending, Corporate Profits, Fixed Assets.
- International: Balance of Payments, Trade in Goods and Services, International Services, International Investment Position, Direct Investment and Multinational Companies.
- Regional: GDP by State and Metropolitan Area, State and Local Area Personal Income, RIMS II Regional Input-Output Multipliers, Economic Information for Coastal Areas.
- Industry: Annual Industry Accounts, Benchmark Input-Output Accounts, Research and Development Satellite Accounts, Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts.
- Integrated Accounts: Integrated Income, Product and Federal Reserve Financial Accounts, Integrated BEA GDP-BLS Productivity Accounts, Integrated BEA/BLS Industry-Level Production Account.
- Center for Comparative Immigration Studies External This link opens in a new window
The Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS) at UCSD provides a unique institutional home for understanding the challenges and opportunities created by international migration to California, the United States as a whole, and other countries around the world. The CCIS research agenda focuses on Mexican migration to California and comparative, cross-national and cross-regional research on international migratory movements, immigration policy, and citizenship policy. CCIS is the only academic center in the United States specializing in international migration from a broad geographical as well as interdisciplinary perspective, devoting substantial attention to migrant-sending and receiving countries in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. CCIS-affiliated researchers encompass all of the social sciences, history, arts and humanities, and legal studies no single discipline dominates CCIS programming. Resources include datasets produced by the Mexican Migration Field Research Program datasets, podcasts of most research seminars, CCIS Working Papers, and books on a wide variety of topics related to immigration.
- Center for Hmong Studies External This link opens in a new window
The Center for Hmong Studies is a resource for academic study of the Hmong ethnic group living in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, China and the United States, Canada, France and Australia. Its mission is to advance the field of Hmong Studies. The Center hosts a biennial international conference on Hmong Studies which draws senior scholars and academics from many universities. The Center also administers an academic program offering a minor in Hmong Studies at Concordia University. Besides that it hosts exhibits and lectures on the Hmong experience as well as a library and anthropological collection.
- Center for Khmer Studies External This link opens in a new window
The Center for Khmer Studies facilitates research and disseminates knowledge on Cambodia with special attention to Cambodian social, economic and cultural development. It connects foreign and Khmer researchers and institutions. It also develops research and teaching about Cambodia in a number of fields: sociology, anthropology, economy, geography, and political science. The CKS hosts a library with over 20,000 monographs, books and journals which is the largest public library in Cambodia outside Phnom Penh. It also provides fellowships to support research, hosts conferences, and publishes original research and translations.
- Center for Lao Studies External This link opens in a new window
The Center for Lao Studies is a resource for scholarly research on Laos. It hosts museum exhibits on the Lao American history and refugee experience. It hosts an international conference held at major universities in the US, Thailand and Australia. It publishes scholarly works on Laos as well as the Journal of Lao Studies which is freely available. It also offers a study abroad program in Laos and an oral history project to record the lives of American Lao diaspora communities. It assists with social (mental health) and translation services.
- Center for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture, and Society External This link opens in a new window
The Center for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture, and Society is a resource on Vietnamese philosophy and Nom the demotic script of Vietnam. The Handbook of Philosophy is a joint project between the Center and the Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy in Vietnam. It includes Vietnamese and English entries for philosophy and political economy many of which are freely available. It also provides resources on Nom studies.
- CLOCKSS Triggered Content External This link opens in a new window
CLOCKSS, or Controlled LOCKSS (for Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), is a not-for-profit joint venture between the worlds leading academic publishers and research libraries whose mission is to build a sustainable, geographically distributed dark archive with which to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications for the benefit of the greater global research community. CLOCKSS Triggered Content is designed as a digital repository to ensure scholarly valuable content no longer available from publishers is still preserved and provided to the public through CLOCKSS community-governed archives.
CLOCKSS is for the entire world's benefit. Content no longer available from any publisher ( triggered content ) is available for free. CLOCKSS uniquely assigns this abandoned and orphaned content with a creative commons license to ensure that it remains available, forever. CLOCKSS has experienced several trigger events and has responded by releasing the triggered content, making it free not only to CLOCKSS participants, or to current or former subscribers to that licensed content, but free to everyone with access to the Internet.
- Colonial Film: Moving Images of the British Empire External This link opens in a new window
Colonial Film: Moving Images of the British Empire holds detailed information on over 6,000 films showing images of life in the British colonies. Over 150 films are available for viewing online. One can search or browse for films by country, date, topic, or keyword. Over 350 of the most important films in the catalogue are presented with extensive critical notes written by an academic research team. The Colonial Film project united universities (Birkbeck and University College London) and archives (British Film Institute, Imperial War Museum, and the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum) to create a new catalogue of films relating to the British Empire. The ambition of the website is to allow both colonizers and colonized to understand better the truths of Empire.
- Cornell University Library Digital Collections External This link opens in a new window
The Cornell University Library Digital Collections include books, photographs, pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals, geospatial data, multimedia, images, maps, sound recordings, video clips, manuscripts, letters, diaries, etc. across a wide variety of subject areas. Collections range from the digitized "Cunieform Library" and "Liberian Law" to "Historical Aerial Photographs of New York" and "Kinematic Models for Design Digital Library."
- CrossAsia External This link opens in a new window
CrossAsia offers access to specialized information from the entire spectrum of humanities and social sciences from and about Asia. CrossAsia supports the Asia-related studies in research and teaching in Germany and beyond. It has developed outstanding, partly unique services for Asia-related research. Examples include the steadily growing set of licensed full-text databases with nationwide remote access; the CrossAsia Search, which, in addition to its own printed and electronic holdings, provides central access to Asia-related original-language bibliographic records in catalogues of national and international libraries; a full-text search which searches in the data pool of the Integrated Text Repository (ITR) with full-texts extracted from licensed databases; and Open Access E-Publishing services for eJournals, eBooks, and electronic primary and secondary publications. The CrossAsia portal was designed as a central access point for scientific information in the Asia-related studies. The portal has been set up by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Together with Heidelberg University Library and the South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin runs the Specialised Information Service on Asia (Fachinformationsdienst Asien), which provides significant impetus for the development of the CrossAsia portal. On the CrossAsia website, Thematic Portals include Manchu Collection; "Bibliothek Otsuka“ – the Ōtsuka collection; Berlin-Krakow Project; Fung Asseng and Fung Ahok; Chagatai manuscripts (The Hartmann Collection); Chinese Medical Manuscripts; Travels in Southwest China; Japanese Students in Germany; Naval Kishore Press; and Odisha Bibliography. Digital collections include: the East Asia Collection; the Southeast Asia Collection; Berlin-Krakow Project; Qianlong’s “Battle Copper Prints;” Historical Mongolian Maps; Lao Manuscripts; Northern Thai Manuscripts; Literature on South Asia; Slide collection Sontheimer; Early Bengali Literature; and Documenta Nepalica.
- Digital Library for International Research External This link opens in a new window
Building on the established libraries and research collections of its twenty-three constituent centers, the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) in 1999 launched the Digital Library for International Research (DLIR), formerly the American Overseas Digital Library (AODL). The DLIR is a cost-effective, efficient, centralized, Internet-based mechanism for the standardization and electronic delivery of important bibliographic and full-text primary and secondary source information from all CAORC member centers. E-resources on the DLIR website currently include:
- DLIR Digital Archive: digital access to rare research materials
- African Language Materials Archive (ALMA): e-books in indigenous African languages
- Photo Archives of AIIS (Center for Art and Archaeology): photographs and slides of South Asian art and architecture
- Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS): sixteen important early maps and related information from the Mediterranean region
- Middle East Research Journals (MERJ): full-text access to five journals, as well as bibliographic records for 1,900 journals
- Digitalized Legal Texts of Outer Mongolia: nearly 1,600 digital scans of laws and regulations written in Mongol script
- Tod Nomin Gerel Collection: Oirat religious, historical and literary documents from collections in Khovd and Bayan Ulgii provinces in Mongolia
- Khmer Language Books: digital versions of novels, textbooks, and educational journals from the National Library of Camodia's colonial and pre-1975 collection
- Furniture and Decorative Arts of Sri Lanka: about 1,000 images of 400 unique items from the 17th-19th centuries
- Mustapha Bouchoucha Photograph Collection: 8,155 images depicting people, events, views and objects relating to Tunisia
- American Board Pamphlet Collection, American Board Periodicals Collection, and American Board Personnel Card Collection: pamphlets, journals, and personnel records, respectively, of the American Board of Comm
- Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts External This link opens in a new window
The Digital Library of Lao manuscripts is a database containing over 12,000 searchable digitized manuscripts from Laos. These manuscripts have been collected from over 800 monasteries across Laos. The languages include Lao, Northern Thai (Lan Na), Tai Lue, Tai Neua, Tai Dam, Thai, Khmer and Pali. The manuscriptes are categorized into 19 different categories including Folk Tales, Secular History, Astrology, Laws, Medicine & Magic, and various Buddhist subjects.
- Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts External This link opens in a new window
The Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts is a database containing over 6,000 searchable digitized manuscripts from northern Thailand. The collection includes possibly the oldest dated Pali manuscript in Southeast Asia still extant, copied in 1471. The languages include Northern Thai (Lan Na), Thai, Lao, Tai Lue, Tai Khuen, Shan, Burmese and Pali. The manuscripts are categorized into 19 different categories including Folk Tales, Seculary History, Law, Astrology, Secular Literary Work and various Buddhist subjects.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) External This link opens in a new window
DOAJ covers more than 8,500 free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Use the search field to search journals included in DOAJ. The Directory aims to cover all subjects and languages. Over 4,000 journals are searchable at the article level.
- Documentation Center of Cambodia External This link opens in a new window
The Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) was founded by Yale University and constituted in 1995 after the U.S. Congress passed the Cambodian Genocide Justice Act in April 1994. DC-Cam has recorded and preserved the stories of Cambodia's genocide survivors of the period 1975-1979. This site provides background information on the Democratic Kampuchea regime and the Khmer Rouge. It also provides access to more than one million documents in searchable databases and archives. The collection also includes audio recordings, films, photographs, maps, oral histories, and information on historic sites.
DC-Cam supports genocide research and education and has received numerous accolades and awards for its work in support of memory and justice for victims of the Cambodian genocide. DC-Cam has supported the international Khmer Rouge Tribunal with over 500,000 pages of documentation. In 2017 alone, DC-Cam was the honored recipient of the Judith Lee Stronach Human Rights Award from the Center for Justice and Accountability, and his Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni made Youk Chhang a Commander of the Royal Order of Cambodia in recognition of Chhang’s distinguished services to the Kingdom of Cambodia. In 2018, DC-Cam also was a winner of the Ramon Magsaysay Award, which is regarded as "Asia’s Nobel" prize, for preserving historical memory for healing and justice.
- East View Global Press Archive External This link opens in a new window
East View and the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) launched the charter phase of the GPA CRL Alliance in 2019 to develop a special series of collections for the East View Global Press Archive (GPA). With a focus on providing global access to a wide selection of newspapers from around the world, the GPA CRL Alliance has successfully released eight collections to date, including five Open Access collections:
- Endangered Archives Programme External This link opens in a new window
The British Library’s Endangered Archives Programme seeks to preserve cultural heritage and make it available to as wide an audience as possible. “Endangered” means material that is at risk of loss or decay, and is located in countries where resources and opportunities to preserve such material are lacking or limited. “Archives” refers to materials in written, pictorial or audio formats, including manuscripts, rare printed books, documents, newspapers, periodicals, photographs and sound recordings. The Endangered Archives Programme primarily funds digitization projects to record and preserve the content of archives. Our projects create digital material in a format that facilitates long-term preservation, and at least two copies of these are stored: a primary copy that remains at an appropriate repository in the country of origin, and a secondary copy held at the British Library. The EAP website provides access to these digital collections for research, education, and enjoyment. Digital collections reflect archives from many African, Caribbean, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, South American, South Asian, and Southeast Asian countries.
- Freely Accessible Asian Studies Online Resources This link opens in a new window
A collection of publicly available Asian Studies online resources selected by Library of Congress Staff.
- Freely Accessible Country/Regional Profiles Online Resources This link opens in a new window
A collection of publicly available Country and/or Regional Information and Profiles online resources selected by Library of Congress staff.
- Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages External This link opens in a new window
GRETIL is the Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages, which also contains related Indological materials from Central and Southeast Asia. GRETIL is a resource platform providing standardized machine-readable texts in Indian languages that have been contributed by various individuals and institutions. GRETIL was originally intended as a cumulative register of the numerous download sites for electronic texts but has shifted its focus to securing and documenting the efforts to encode these texts. It does so by providing the contributions of varying sources and quality in an appropriately normalized way, with the minimum requirement being that full text search for each language is possible across the whole corpus without any additional conversion. In particular, this resource provides online access to many e-texts in Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam, Old Javanese, and Tibetan.
- Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Asian Art External This link opens in a new window
The John C. and Susan L. Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Asian Art represents forty years of field documentation photography by the Huntingtons. In 1986, the two History of Art professors at The Ohio State University formally expanded their photographic collection. Partnering with the History of Art department, the Huntingtons created an institutional archive to house images of art from countries central to their personal research, as well as other areas of the Buddhist world. The Huntington Archive is devoted to providing pan-Asian documentation and resource materials for scholarly research and classroom teaching. It contains nearly 300,000 original slides and photographs – photographic documentation of art and architecture throughout Asia, including India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), China, and Japan. The documentation covers in situ works of art and architecture ranging from approximately 2500 B.C.E. to the present, as well as pieces found in most major Asian, European, and American museums. This broad, yet detailed collection contains predominantly Buddhist material, but also includes Hindu, Jain, and Islamic works as well. The most comprehensive collection of its kind, The Huntington Archive includes the largest photographic archive of Nepali art and architecture in the world and represents the only formal collection that photographically records the country's artistic heritage. The Huntington Archive’s database is currently hosted by the University of Chicago.
- Jawi Transliteration Project External This link opens in a new window
The Jawi Transliteration Project is a Jawi printed text newspaper archive consisting of 2,000 Jawi-script newspaper and magazine articles published between 1930-1941 in the Straits Settlements and the Malay Peninsula, transliterated into romanised Malay, and presented in a fully searchable format. During the period from 1930-41, there were at least 110 Malay language newspapers published throughout the Straits Settlements and the Malay Peninsula. The Jawi Transliteration Project focuses on four newspapers: Warta Malaya (published in Singapore), Majlis (Kuala Lumpur), Saudara (Penang) and Majalah Guru (Negri Sembilan).
- Jātaka Stories External This link opens in a new window
Jātaka Stories is a free online searchable database of jātakas in Indian texts and art. For the purposes of this project, a jātaka is defined as any story of a past lifetime of the most recent Buddha (Śākyamuni, Gotama) regardless of whether or not the story is labelled jātaka in the text. This distinction is somewhat arbitrary, given the overlap with other genres, especially avadāna.
Researchers with an interest in Buddhism and the past lives of the Buddha can browse jataka stories as Story in Text belonging to a Textual Collection or Story in Art belonging to an Artistic Site. In visual sources, a Story in Art is deemed worth including if it has been identified as depicting a jātaka, either through epigraphic evidence or the scholarship of art historians. Users can also explore clusters of connected stories that cross between texts and visual depictions. Alternatively, users have other search options for stories in texts and art, including thematic searches and searches by name of place and character.
- Khmer Manuscripts, École Français D'Extrême-Orient External This link opens in a new window
The École Français D'Extrême-Orient Khmer Manuscript collection is a database containing over 1,000 searchable digitized manuscripts from Cambodia. These manuscripts have been collected from over 1,000 monasteries across Cambodia. The languages include Khmer and Pali. The manuscripts are categorized into 25 different categories including law, astronomy, histories, novels, magic, philosophy, proverbs and many Buddhist subjects.
- Lanna Manuscripts: A Northern Thai Collection of Chronicles and Other Texts External This link opens in a new window
The École Française d'Extrême-Orient Lanna Manuscript collection is a database containing over 350 searchable digitized manuscripts from Thailand. Most manuscripts are written in the tamnan genre (stories, histories, annals, narratives, legends, allegories, fables, myths) in Northern Thai language in the Tham religious script. These manuscripts have been collected from over forty monasteries mainly in Northern Thailand.
- Mekong Network Project External This link opens in a new window
The Mekong Network Project provides information on Southeast Asia, focusing primarily on Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma). For Cambodia, there are oral histories of the Khmer Rouge period and a photo collection of 1,300 images covering the 1970s to the 2010s. Cambodia: Beauty and Darkness is an archive of articles, documents, photos, and oral histories about Cambodia, with an emphasis on the country's recent history. For Myanmar (Burma) links to a site devoted to human rights in Myanmar, Project Maje, are provided. Founded by author Edith Mirante in 1986, Project Maje works to promote awareness of the plight of the people of Myanmar, particularly the ethnic minorities. The site also includes a section on Thailand, and pages on Laos, Vietnam, and China. There is also a tech support area, and a collection of articles and essays on random topics.
- Mohamed Ali Eltaher External This link opens in a new window
This website tells the story of Mohamed Ali Eltaher (also known by his traditional Arab nickname, Aboul-Hassan). It is also the story of his wife. It provides the sources and references needed for those who are interested to learn more about him, and, more importantly, to learn about the history of the Near East and North Africa between 1912 and 1974, and the political and historical issues of the countries spanning from Morocco to Iraq, and from Syria to Indonesia. Those who know Egypt through the writings of Lawrence Durrell and Konstantin Kavafi and other famous Western writers, will be able to have a glimpse of that side of Egypt these talented writers did not write about.
The complete historic archives and papers of Mohamed Ali Eltaher have been acquired by the Library of Congress. To consult the Collection on-site for research and academic purposes please contact Nawal Kawar (nkaw@loc.gov).
- National Library Board Spatial Discovery Website External This link opens in a new window
This website features 8,000 high resolution copies of historical maps of Singapore and surrounding areas overlaid on modern maps or satellite images. A resources for those researching changes in the landscape of Singapore, and other topics related to the mapping of the island and proximate areas.
- Neliti, Indonesia's Research Repository External This link opens in a new window
This research repository provides access to journal articles, books, research reports, policy papers, conference papers and datasets from universities, government bodies, corporate publishers, and think tanks in Indonesia.
- New Mandala External This link opens in a new window
The New Mandala provides a platform for scholarly analysis and discussion on contemporary issues concerning Southeast Asia. It is an excellent resource on scholarly debate on the field of Southeast Asia Studies as well as book reviews, collaborations and digital projects. It covers every country of Southeast Asia (Burma/Myanmar, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste) with a focus on political and social issues. It features regular posts by major scholars in the field as well as new and emerging scholars. History, economics, environmental and cultural matters are also discussed.
- NewspaperSG External This link opens in a new window
NewspaperSG is an online resource of current and historic Singapore and Malaya newspapers. You can search the digital archive of newspapers between 1831 - 2009, or find information on over 200 newspaper titles in the National Library's microfilm collection.
- Online Burma/Myanmar Library External This link opens in a new window
The online Burma/Myanmar library is a searchable online research library. It provides links to more than 60,000 full text documents on Myanmar. There are books, reports, periodicals, articles, archives and films. The material is organized into 100 categories including health, land, economy, environment, law and constitution, foreign relations and history. While about a quarter of the material is in Burmese some is in minority languages like Pwo and S'Gaw Karen. Recent collections cover the Rohingya crisis and a repository of Myanmar law.
- Open Access eBooks on JSTOR External This link opens in a new window
Open Access monographs are now available on the JSTOR platform. An initial set of titles is available from four publishers: University of California Press, University of Michigan Press, UCL Press, and Cornell University Press. Several hundred more Open Access titles over the next year will be added, while maintaining JSTORs high standards for quality content.
The ebooks, which reflect JSTORs high standards for quality content, are freely available for anyone in the world to use. Each ebook carries one of six Creative Commons licenses determined by the publisher. The titles are easy to use, with no DRM restrictions and no limits on chapter PDF downloads or printing. Users will not need to register or log in to JSTOR.
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations External This link opens in a new window
Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD) is an index of over 1.6 million electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) from around the world. To the extent possible, the index is limited to records of graduate-level theses that are freely available online. The full text of all papers lives on the original hosting site, usually the repository of the university that granted the degree. OATD indexes about the first 30 pages of some theses in order to show search hits, but in no case does OATD index or store the full text of the paper.
- Oxford Research Encyclopedias External This link opens in a new window
Oxford University Press is embarking on its most ambitious reference project in decades. Through the Oxford Research Encyclopedia (ORE) program, OUP is building a series of highly discoverable, peer-reviewed, online encyclopedias with essays planned, written, and reviewed by the worlds leading scholars and scientists. The OREs will provide hundreds of in-depth articles on core topics in all of the major disciplines. The sites will be continuously updated with new articles and revisions to existing ones. The ORE project will combine the ease of access and speed of digital publishing with the standards of academic publishing. The Oxford Research Encyclopedias will:
- Synthesize primary research in high-level interpretive overview articles
- Provide anchoring information to be used at the start of a research project
- Be developed collaboratively with the global community of experts in a discipline
- Be written and vetted by scholars for scholars and students
- Direct users to other relevant, trusted content.
The following disciplines are currently free to access: American History, Climate Science, Communication, Environmental Science, Latin American History, Linguistics, Literature, Natural Hazard Science, Politics, Psychology, and Religion. Forthcoming ORE disciplines include: Anthropology, Business & Management, Criminology, Economics, Education, and Neuroscience. Access is free through 2017.
While most content is restricted to subscribers, full-text articles of pre-subscription and preview OREs are freely available, as are the summaries in restricted subscriber content.
- Pali Tipitaka External This link opens in a new window
The Vipassana Research Institute provides a complete online version of the Pali Tripitaka. This text is regarded as the canonical text of Theravada Buddhism. It is also important to other Buddhist traditions. This site provides the complete text in the Pali language and in a variety of scripts: Cyrillic, Devanagari, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Roman, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Khmer, Myanmar, Sinhala, Thai and Tibetan. It also provides a Thai-Pali dictionary, a history of the different Buddhist councils which revised the Tripitaka and a 1955 Burmese introductory text on Buddhism "Essentials of Tipitaka."
- Qalam Article Database External This link opens in a new window
This database collects and integrates articles from the magazine, Qalam, which was first published in 1950 in Singapore and was widely read among Muslims in the Malay world until it ceased publication following the death of its founder, Edrus (Ahmad Lutfi) in 1969. The articles in Qalam provide readers with invaluable information on the activities and thoughts of Muslims living in the Malay world in the 1950s and 1960s. The articles in Qalam, which was distributed not only in Singapore but also in Indonesia, Malaya, Borneo, and southern Thailand, present an important source on the modern history of the Malay world. The Qalam magazine was originally written in Jawi, an Arabic script adapted for writing the Malay language. This database enchances the utilization of this material by providing Romanization of the Jawi script.
- Reconceptualizing the Cold War: On-the-Ground Experiences in Asia External This link opens in a new window
Online archive of oral history collections concerning the Cold War and decolonization in Asia. The project was started by the National University of Singapore in 2019, and they have collected more than 300 oral history interviews across Asia; more than 100 oral history interview transcripts in English translation have been uploaded (as well as the original languages, in some cases) with plans to upload the remaining transcripts in the coming months. The collections include:
- Reconsidering the Naxalite Movement in Kerala, India
- Living under Martial Law in the Philippines
- Everyday Encounters with the Hukbalahap, 1942-1954
- The 1965 Indonesian Massacre
- Reconsidering the Malaysian Left and Labor, 1960s-1970s
- The Khmer Rouge and Its Legacies
Vietnamese Culture and Nationalism
- Researching Indochina External This link opens in a new window
The University of Washington provides a research guide on the French colony of Indochina. The guide is a resource for information on libraries and archives in France, Vietnam and Cambodia. It provides links to a number of important institutions in France including government, military, diplomatic and missionary archives. It also provides resources from Saigon, the Vietminh and Cambodia. Finally there are audio visual resources.
- William W. Sage Collection on Laos External This link opens in a new window
This William W. Sage Collection on Laos consists of 28 boxes of documents, subject files, slides, audio tapes, manuscripts and photographs. There are manuscripts by Sage or his field assistants on Lao anthropology, Lao and US news reports, recordings of traditional music and 2,600 images. The bulk of the collection comes primarily from the period 1969-1975 when William Sage worked there as a member of International Voluntary Services and USAID. The material is in English, Lao, Chinese, Russian and French languages. Much of the collection - except audiotapes - has been digitized. There is an anthropological collection held by the ASU School of Human Ecology and Social Change.
- Siam Society External This link opens in a new window
The Siam Society is one of the oldest scholarly societies of Thailand with a mission to promote knowledge of the culture, history, arts and natural sciences of Thailand as well as those of neighbouring countries. The website provides information about upcoming lectures and tours of Thailand's many historic and archaeological sites. The society's library holds many rare books and palm leaf manuscripts which can be searched via an online catalog. It publishes an academic Journal of the Siam Society which is freely available except for issues from the last five years. It also publishes a Natural History Bulletin which requires a subscription.
- Southeast Asia Digital Library External This link opens in a new window
The Southeast Asia Digital Library (SEADL) exists to provide educators, students, scholars and members of the general public with a wide variety of materials published or otherwise produced in Southeast Asia. Drawn largely from the collections of universities and scholars in this region, SEADL contains digital facsimiles of books and manuscripts, as well as multimedia materials and searchable indexes of additional Southeast Asian resources. Nations represented in the collection include Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
- Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Studies Association External This link opens in a new window
The Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Association is a free online resource for academic study of Thai, Lao and Cambodian culture and society. It is a source for Thai, Lao, Cambodian politics, literature, history, economics, anthropology and religion. The site also includes field reports, news about upcoming conferences, book reviews and a list of sites on Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. The film resources are extensive. The TLC Association also maintains an active listserv which is free to join.
- ThaiScience External This link opens in a new window
ThaiScience is a non-profit electronic publishing service committed to providing open access to science and engineering journals published in Thailand, as well as research related to Thailand published internationally. The goal of ThaiScience is to make science and technology related information generated in Thailand available to the region and to the international research community, as well as ensuring that research results are readily shared amongst the community in Thailand.
ThaiScience works in two ways. It acts as a host providing access to journals in Thailand in electronic format and published in English. Most of these may be accessed free of charge. Secondly, ThaiScience provides a large database containing full text files or extended abstracts of scientific papers originating in, or about, Thailand. It also provides profiles of researchers in Thailand. Much of this material has not been generally available outside of Thailand. The database provides for keyword search or browsing the researcher biodata.
- Trove External This link opens in a new window
Trove helps you find and use resources relating to Australia. It's more than a search engine. Trove brings together content from libraries, museums, archives and other research organisations and gives you tools to explore and build. Trove is many things: a community, a set of services, an aggregation of metadata, and a growing repository of fulltext digital resources. Trove contains over 400 million online resources such as books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archives and more.
- University of Santo Tomas Miguel de Benavides Library and Archives External This link opens in a new window
This digital collection can be divided into three main sections: historical, current publications, and archival material. The historical section contains nine collection categories: First University Collection, Collegiate, Law, Health Sciences, Filipiniana Materials, Filipiniana Theses and Dissertations, Dominicans and UST, Rare Periodical Publications, and Photographs. These collections were published from the 16th century up to 1920, except for the Rare Periodical Publications, which extends to 1945. The current publications section covers current university periodicals and books that were recently published by the UST Publishing House. Archival material is subdivided into seven categories: Libros, Becerros, Folletos, Libros de Matriculas de Segunda Enseñanza, Libros de Matriculas de Facultad, Internment Camp, and Photographs. Material in this section covers the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Many items in the digital collection are open access, but some are restricted. For details, consult the policies and guidelines page of the site.
- Vietnam Journals Online External This link opens in a new window
Vietnam Journals Online, a database of journals published in Vietnam, was officially launched in 2007 with support of INASP. It aims to promote scientific knowledge covering the full range of academic disciplines, and to seek to improve understanding of the academic world of Vietnam. VJOL is now managed in Vietnam by NASATI, and provides readers with access to tables of contents, abstracts, and full text articles. All the material on VJOL is free to view, search and browse.
- Virtual Vietnam Archive External This link opens in a new window
The Virtual Vietnam Archive is a database containing 7 million pages of scanned material including documents, photographs, slides, negatives, oral histories, artifacts, moving images, sound recordings, maps and collection finding aids related to the Vietnam War. Many of the holdings document the lives of American soldiers who served in the war. Often these are personal rathern than official records.
- Vietnam Collection External This link opens in a new window
Vietnam: A Television History was a landmark documentary series produced by WGBH. This collection contains most of the materials gathered and created for the 1983 series, as well as additional Vietnam-related materials from the WGBH archive. Starting in 2008, materials were reconstructed, transferred, and digitized for preservation and access. Online audio and visual resources from the making of the documentary are included. The 13 part series covers Vietnam from the French colonial period to the Vietnam War. The collection includes original interviews with key individuals involved in the conflict, archival footage and photographs from the time, and original footage. In total there are 259 interviews with key participants, 227 archival footage clips and 930 photographs.
- Vietnamese Nôm Preservation Foundation External This link opens in a new window
The Vietnamese Nôm Preservation Foundation is a resource for Chữ Nôm script Vietnamese texts. Nôm is the ideographic vernacular script of Vietnam in use before a Romanized script was devised by French Catholic missionaries. The Nôm Preservation site contains several hundred digitized Nôm texts including classics such as the Tale of Kieu. It also contains a catalog of 4,000 Nôm texts held at the National Library of Vietnam and further also provides publications, dictionaries and unicode support for the Nôm script.
- Viêt-Nam, Laos, Cambodge: Sources et Aides à la Recherche External This link opens in a new window
This site is an excellent resource on French research into Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. It provides many digital resources on these three countries including recent French publications and bibliographies. There is a comprehensive treatment of archives in France dealing with the three countries with important information on how to access each archive, what the relevant documents onsite are and information on nearby accommodations. It also includes useful research aides such as biographies of important historical persons. And there is also a list of French theses from 2003 to 2015.