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Nhấp chuột vào các liên kết dưới đây để khai thác tài liệu
DDC | Tiếng Anh | Tiếng Việt |
664 | Food Science and Food Systems | Khoa học thực phẩm |
616.904 | Microbiology | Vi sinh |
612 | Human Physiology | Sinh lý học người |
540 | General, Organic, and Biochemistry | Sinh hóa |
543 | Analytical Chemistry | Hóa phân tích |
571.6 | Cell and Molecular Biology | Sinh học phân tử |
610.72 | Health Research | Nghiên cứu sức khỏe |
613.2 | Nutrition | Dinh dưỡng |
612.39 | Nutrition Through the Life Cycle | Dinh dưỡng lứa tuổi |
664.07 | Food Safety | Bảo quản thực phẩm |
615.854 | Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease | Dinh dưỡng trị bệnh |
363.7 | Waste Management and Sustainable Consumption | |
660.6 | Biotechnology | Công nghệ sinh học |
Tài liệu gợi ý
Food Chemistry
Food Chemistry by H. D. Belitz; Werner Grosch; Peter Schieberle
ISBN: 9783540699354
For more than two decades, this work has remained the leading advanced textbook and easy-to-use reference on food chemistry and technology. Its fourth edition has been extensively re-written and enlarged, now also covering topics such as BSE detection or acrylamide. Food allergies, alcoholic drinks, or phystosterols are now treated more extensively. Proven features of the prior editions are maintained: Contains more than 600 tables, almost 500 figures, and about 1100 structural formulae of food components - Logically organized according to food constituents and commodities - Comprehensive subject index. These features provide students and researchers in food science, food technology, agricultural chemistry and nutrition with in-depth insight into food chemistry and technology. They also make the book a valuable on-the-job reference for chemists, food chemists, food technologists, engineers, biochemists, nutritionists, and analytical chemists in food and agricultural research, food industry, nutrition, food control, and service laboratories. From reviews of the first edition "Few books on food chemistry treat the subject as exhaustively...researchers will find it to be a useful source of information. It is easy to read and the material is systematically presented." JACS
Food Chemistry by David E. Newton
ISBN: 9780816052776
Finding new, safe ways to consume food has become complicated as people become more health conscious about the foods they put into their bodies. ""Food Chemistry"" offers a wealth of information on the field of altering foods for human consumption. After an introduction outlining methods of food preservation and enhancement throughout the years (improved taste, odor, color, and nutritional content), this volume describes the differences between synthetic, engineered, irradiated, and organic foods.New foods created synthetically, such as sugar and fat substitutes, as well as genetically engineered foods and irradiated foods, have scientific and social issues attached to their development, drawing much controversy from the public. On the other end of the spectrum, general interest in consuming natural or organic foods has become more popular. This illustrated volume explores the values and harms of consuming these different types of foods, and also outlines the questions surrounding organic versus non-organic foods, including the replacement of natural vitamins and minerals with synthetically produced substitutes. Biographical information on the people involved in this field of chemistry is also included. This is an informative reference for students who want to learn more about the types of food they consume, how they are produced, and how they affect the human body.
Fennema's Food Chemistry, Fifth Edition by Srinivasan Damodaran (Editor); Kirk L. Parkin (Editor)
ISBN: 9781482243666
This latest edition of the most internationally respected reference in food chemistry for more than 30 years, Fennema's Food Chemistry, 5th Edition once again meets and surpasses the standards of quality and comprehensive information set by its predecessors. All chapters reflect recent scientific advances and, where appropriate, have expanded and evolved their focus to provide readers with the current state-of-the-science of chemistry for the food industry. This edition introduces new editors and contributors who are recognized experts in their fields. The fifth edition presents a completely rewritten chapter on Water and Ice, written in an easy-to-understand manner suitable for professionals as well as undergraduates. In addition, ten former chapters have been completely revised and updated, two of which receive extensive attention in the new edition including Carbohydrates (Chapter 3), which has been expanded to include a section on Maillard reaction; and Dispersed Systems: Basic considerations (Chapter 7), which includes thermodynamic incompatibility/phase separation concepts. Retaining the straightforward organization and accessibility of the original, this edition begins with an examination of major food components such as water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and enzymes. The second section looks at minor food components including vitamins and minerals, colorants, flavors, and additives. The final section considers food systems by reviewing basic considerations as well as specific information on the characteristics of milk, the postmortem physiology of edible muscle, and postharvest physiology of plant tissues.
Food - The Chemistry of its Components by Tom Coultate
ISBN: 9781849738804
A new edition of the highly successful textbook, which provides a source of detailed information on the chemistry of food. The book investigates food components which are present in large amounts (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and water) and also those that occur in smaller amounts (colours, flavours, vitamins and preservatives). Food borne toxins, allergens, pesticide residues and other undesirables are also given detailed consideration. Attention is drawn to the nutritional and health significance of food components. The sixth edition also includes addition chapters on enzymes and nucleic acids and nucleotides.
The Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives by Titus A. M. Msagati
ISBN: 9781118274149
Publication Date: 2012-12-17
The Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives is an up-to-date reference guide on the range of different types of additives (both natural and synthetic) used in the food industry today. It looks at the processes involved in inputting additives and preservatives to foods, and the mechanisms and methods used. The book contains full details about the chemistry of each major class of food additive, showing the reader not just what kind of additives are used and what their functions are, but also how they work and how they can have multiple functionalities. In addition, this book covers numerous new additives currently being introduced, and an explanation of how the quality of these is ascertained and how consumer safety is ensured.
Food Microbiology
Food Microbiology by Martin R. Adams; Maurice O. Moss; Peter McClure
ISBN: 9781849739603
Now in its fourth edition, this highly successful text covers the full range of topics encompassed in modern food microbiology. The new edition provides updated and revised individual chapters and uses new examples to illustrate incidents with particular attention being paid to images. The textbook is a thorough and accessible account designed for students in the biological sciences, biotechnology and food science. It will also be valuable to researchers, teachers and practising food microbiologists.
Advances in Microbial Food Safety by J. Sofos (Editor)
ISBN: 9780857098740
New research, outbreaks of foodborne disease and changes to legislation mean that food microbiology research is constantly evolving. Advances in microbial food safety: Volume 1 summarises the key trends in this area for the food industry. The book begins with an introductory chapter discussing food safety management systems from the past to the present day and looking to future directions. The book moves on to provide updates on specific pathogens including Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus species. New developments in the area are explored with chapters on emerging parasites in food, advances in separation and concentration of microorganisms from food samples, new approaches in microbial pathogen detection, and an update on novel methods for pathogen control in livestock preharvest. With its distinguished editor and international team of expert contributors, Advances in microbial food safety: Volume 1 is a standard reference for researchers, consultants and managers in the food industry responsible for food safety, analytical laboratories testing the safety of the food we eat, and researchers in academia working on food microbial safety. Summarises new research, outbreaks of foodborne disease and changes to legislation in food microbiology research Examines past, present and future food safety management systems Provides updates on specific pathogens including Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus species
Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers by Michael P. Doyle; Robert L. Buchanan (Editor)
ISBN: 9781555816261
This essential reference emphasizes the molecular and mechanistic aspects of food microbiology in one comprehensive volume. Addresses the field's major concerns, including spoilage, pathogenic bacteria, mycotoxigenic molds, viruses, prions, parasites, preservation methods, fermentation, beneficial microorganisms, and food safety. Details the latest scientific knowledge and concerns of food microbiology Offers a description of the latest and most advanced techniques for detecting, analyzing, tracking, and controlling microbiological hazards in food. Serves as significant reference book for professionals who conduct research, teach food microbiology courses, analyze food samples, conduct epidemiologic investigations, and craft food safety policies.
Food Microbiology by Osman Erkmen; T. Faruk Bozoglu
ISBN: 9781119237761
This book covers application of food microbiology principles into food preservation and processing. Main aspects of the food preservation techniques, alternative food preservation techniques, role of microorganisms in food processing and their positive and negative features are covered. Features subjects on mechanism of antimicrobial action of heat, thermal process, mechanisms for microbial control by low temperature, mechanism of food preservation, control of microorganisms and mycotoxin formation by reducing water activity, food preservation by additives and biocontrol, food preservation by modified atmosphere, alternative food processing techniques, and traditional fermented products processing. The book is designed for students in food engineering, health science, food science, agricultural engineering, food technology, nutrition and dietetic, biological sciences and biotechnology fields. It will also be valuable to researchers, teachers and practising food microbiologists as well as anyone interested in different branches of food.
Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology by Carl A. Batt (Editor); Pradip Patel (Editor); Richard K. Robinson (Editor-In-Chief)
ISBN: 9780123847331
Written by the world's leading scientists and spanning over 400 articles in three volumes, the Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Second Edition is a complete, highly structured guide to current knowledge in the field. Fully revised and updated, this encyclopedia reflects the key advances in the field since the first edition was published in 1999 The articles in this key work, heavily illustrated and fully revised since the first edition in 1999, highlight advances in areas such as genomics and food safety to bring users up-to-date on microorganisms in foods. Topics such as DNA sequencing and E. coli are particularly well covered. With lists of further reading to help users explore topics in depth, this resource will enrich scientists at every level in academia and industry, providing fundamental information as well as explaining state-of-the-art scientific discoveries. This book is designed to allow disparate approaches (from farmers to processors to food handlers and consumers) and interests to access accurate and objective information about the microbiology of foods Microbiology impacts the safe presentation of food. From harvest and storage to determination of shelf-life, to presentation and consumption. This work highlights the risks of microbial contamination and is an invaluable go-to guide for anyone working in Food Health and Safety Has a two-fold industry appeal (1) those developing new functional food products and (2) to all corporations concerned about the potential hazards of microbes in their food products
Food Process Engineering
Food Process Engineering and Technology by Zeki Berk
ISBN: 9780128120545
Food Process Engineering and Technology, Third Edition combines scientific depth with practical usefulness, creating a tool for graduate students and practicing food engineers, technologists and researchers looking for the latest information on transformation and preservation processes and process control and plant hygiene topics. This fully updated edition provides recent research and developments in the area, features sections on elements of food plant design, an introductory section on the elements of classical fluid mechanics, a section on non-thermal processes, and recent technologies, such as freeze concentration, osmotic dehydration, and active packaging that are discussed in detail. Provides a strong emphasis on the relationship between engineering and product quality/safety Considers cost and environmental factors Presents a fully updated, adequate review of recent research and developments in the area Includes a new, full chapter on elements of food plant design Covers recent technologies, such as freeze concentration, osmotic dehydration, and active packaging that are discussed in detail
Food Process Engineering by Dennis R. Heldman (Editor); R. Paul Singh
ISBN: 9780870553806
The Second Edition of Food Process Engineering by Dr. Dennis Heldman, my former student, and co-author Paul Singh, his former student, attests to the importance of the previous edition. In the Foreword to the First Edition, I noted the need for people in all facets of the food processing industry to consider those variables of design of particular importance in engineering for the food processing field. In addition to recognizing the many variables involved in the biological food product being handled from production to consumption, the engi neer must oftentimes adapt equations developed for non-biological materials. As more and more research is done, those equations are appropriately modified to be more accurate or new equations are developed specifically for designing to process foods. This Edition updates equations used. This book serves a very important need in acquainting engineers and technologists, particularly those with a math ematics and physics background, with the information necessary to provide a more efficient design to accomplish the objectives. Of prime importance, at present and in the future, is to design for efficient use of energy. Now, it is often economical to put considerably more money into first costs for an efficient design than previously, when energy costs were a much smaller proportion of the total cost of process engineering.
Food Process Engineering and Quality Assurance by C. O. Mohan (Editor); Elizabeth Carvajal-Millan (Editor); C. N. Ravishankar (Editor); A. K. Haghi (Editor)
ISBN: 9781315232966
This book provides an abundance of valuable new research and studies in novel technologies used in food processing and quality assurance issues of food. The 750-page book gives a detailed technical and scientific background of various food processing technologies that are relevant to the industry. The food process related application of engineering technology involves interdisciplinary teamwork, which, in addition to the expertise of interdisciplinary engineers, draws on that of food technologists, microbiologists, chemists, mechanical engineers, biochemists, geneticists, and others. The processes and methods described in the book are applicable to many areas of the food industry, including drying, milling, extrusion, refrigeration, heat and mass transfer, membrane-based separation, concentration, centrifugation, fluid flow and blending, powder and bulk-solids mixing, pneumatic conveying, and process modeling, monitoring, and control. Food process engineering know-how can be credited with improving the conversion of raw foodstuffs into safe consumer products of the highest possible quality. This book looks at advanced materials and techniques used for, among other things, chemical and heat sterilization, advanced packaging, and monitoring and control, which are essential to the highly automated facilities for the high-throughput production of safe food products. With contributions from prominent scientists from around the world, this volume provides an abundance of valuable new research and studies on novel technologies used in food processing and quality assurance issues. It gives a detailed technical and scientific background of various food processing technologies that are relevant to the industry. Special emphasis is given to the processing of fish, candelilla, dairy, and bakery products. Rapid detection of pathogens and toxins and application of nanotechnology in ensuring food safety are also emphasized.
Advances in Food Process Engineering Research and Applications by Stavros Yanniotis (Editor); Petros Taoukis (Editor); Nikolaos G. Stoforos (Editor); Vaios T. Karathanos (Editor)
ISBN: 9781461479055
This is the second publication stemming from the International Congress on Engineering in Food, the first being Food Engineering Interfaces, based on the last ICEF10. The theme of ICEF 11, held in Athens, Greece in May 2011, is "Food Process Engineering in a Changing World." The conference explored the ways food engineering contributes to the solutions of vital problems in a world of increasing population and complexity that is under the severe constraints of limited resources of raw materials, energy, and environment. The book, comprised of 32 chapters, features an interdisciplinary focus, including food materials science, engineering properties of foods, advances in food process technology, novel food processes, functional foods, food waste engineering, food process design and economics, modeling food safety and quality, and innovation management.
Food Process Engineering by Murlidhar Meghwal (Editor); Megh R. Goyal (Editor)
ISBN: 9781315366159
This book provides a global perspective of present-age frontiers in food process engineering research, innovation, and emerging trends. It provides an abundance of new information on a variety of issues and problems in food processing technology. Divided into five parts, the book presents new research on new trends and technologies in food processing, ultrasonic treatment of foods, foods for specific needs, food preservation, and food hazards and their controls.
Food Analysis & Safety
Food Safety and Preservation by Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu (Editor); Alina Maria Holban (Editor)
ISBN: 9780128149577
Food Safety and Preservation: Modern Biological Approaches to Improving Consumer Health explores the most recent and investigated hot topics in food safety, microbial contamination, food-borne diseases and advanced preservation methods. It brings together the significant, evidence-based scientific progress of various approaches to improve the safety and quality of foods, also offering solutions to help address food industry challenges. Recent studies and technological advancements in biological control are presented to control foodborne pathogens. In addition, analytical methods for reducing potential biological hazards make this book essential to researchers, scientists, technologists and grad students. Covers all aspects of food contamination, from food degradation, to food-borne diseases Examines validated, biological control approaches to reduce microbial and chemical contamination Includes detailed discussions of risk and safety assessments in food preservation
Modern Techniques for Food Authentication by Da-Wen Sun (Editor)
ISBN: 9780128142653
Modern Techniques for Food Authentication, Second Edition presents a comprehensive review of the novel techniques available to authenticate food products, including various spectroscopic technologies, methods based on isotopic analysis and chromatography, and other techniques based on DNA, enzymatic analysis and electrophoresis. This new edition pinpoints research and development trends for those working in research, development and operations in the food industry, giving them readily accessible information on modern food authentication techniques to ensure a safe and authentic food supply. It will also serve as an essential reference source to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and for researchers in universities and research institutions. Presents emerging imaging techniques that have proven to be powerful, non-destructive tools for food authentication Includes applications of hyperspectral imaging to reflect the current trend of developments in food imaging technology for each topic area Provides pixel level visualization techniques needed for fast and effective food sample testing Contains two new chapters on Imaging Spectroscopic Techniques
Food Safety for the 21st Century by Carol A. Wallace; William H. Sperber; Sara E. Mortimore
ISBN: 9781405189118
The HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system isstill recognised internationally as the most effective way toproduce safe food throughout the supply chain, but a HACCP systemcannot operate in a vacuum. It requires prerequisite programmes tobe in place and it can be highly affected by, or dependent upon,other major considerations such as animal, plant, human andenvironmental health, food security and food defence. This book: Provides a practical and up-to-date text covering theessentials of food safety management in the global supply chain,giving the reader the knowledge and skills that they need todesign, implement and maintain a world-class food safetyprogramme. Builds on existing texts on HACCP and food safety, taking thenext step forward in the evolution of HACCP and providing a textthat is relevant to all sectors and sizes of food businessesthroughout the world. Shares practical food safety experience, allowing developmentof best-practice approaches. This will allow existing businesses toimprove their systems and enable businesses that are new to HACCPand food safety management requirements in both developed anddeveloping countries to build on existing knowledge for more rapidapplication of world-class food safety systems. Educates practitioners such that they will be able to use theirjudgement in decision-making and to influence those who make foodpolicy and manage food operations. This book is an essential resource for all scientists andmanagers in the food industry (manufacturing and foodservice);regulators and educators in the field of food safety; and studentsof food science and technology.
Advances in Food Authenticity Testing by Gerard Downey (Editor)
ISBN: 9780081002209
Publication Date: 2016-08-24
Advances in Food Authenticity Testing covers a topic that is of great importance to both the food industry whose responsibility it is to provide clear and accurate labeling of their products and maintain food safety and the government agencies and organizations that are tasked with the verification of claims of food authenticity. The adulteration of foods with cheaper alternatives has a long history, but the analytical techniques which can be implemented to test for these are ever advancing. The book covers the wide range of methods and techniques utilized in the testing of food authenticity, including new implementations and processes. The first part of the book examines, in detail, the scientific basis and the process of how these techniques are used, while other sections highlight specific examples of the use of these techniques in the testing of various foods. Written by experts in both academia and industry, the book provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of this important and rapidly progressing field.
Food Hygiene and Toxicology in Ready-to-Eat Foods by Parthena Kotzekidou (Editor)
ISBN: 9780128019160
Publication Date: 2016-05-18
Food Hygiene and Toxicology in Ready-to-Eat Foods is a solid reference for anyone in the food industry needing to understand the complex issues and mechanisms of biological control and chemical hazards to ensure food safety. infectious and non-infectious contaminants in raw, minimally processed, and prepared foods are covered in detail, as well as effective measures to avoid foodborne infections and intoxications. The book is written by an international team of experts presenting the most up-to-date research in the field, and provides current applications and guidance to enhance food safety in the food industry. Strategies and recommendations for each food category include, among others, how to avoid cross-contamination of pathogens, the proper uses of antimicrobial coatings and spray cleanings of fresh produce, and acrylamide reduction during processing. leafy vegetables, fruit juices, nuts, meat and dairy products are some of the ready-to-eat foods covered.
Selected Books
On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee
ISBN: 0684800012
Publication Date: 2004-11-23
Food chemicals codex : by authority of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention / prepared by the Council of Experts. by United States Pharmacopeial Convention
ISBN: 9781613448588
Publication Date: 2012
A compendium of internationally recognized monograph standards and tests for the purity and quality of food ingredients
Food Analysis by S. Suzanne Nielsen (Editor)
Call Number: TX545 .F54 2010
ISBN: 9781441914774
Publication Date: 2010-05-28
This book provides information on the techniques needed to analyze foods in laboratory experiments and determine the chemical composition and characteristics of foods.
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition (Online) by Lindsay H. Allen (Editor); Benjamin Caballero (Editor-In-Chief); Andrew Prentice (Editor)
ISBN: 9780123848857
Publication Date: 2012-12-28
This is the third edition of the four-volume set. It presents nutrition-related topics including food safety, weight management, vitamins, bioengineering of foods, plant based diet, biofortification and nutritional labeling.
Handbook of Food Toxicology by S. S. Deshpande
Call Number: RA1258 .D46 2002
ISBN: 0824707605
Publication Date: 2002-08-29
This reference covers the formation, characteristics, and control of various toxins that occur in the production, storage, handling, and preparation of food.
Tạp chí gợi ý
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You may also view Google Scholar Top publications list for Food Science & Technology.
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety
Impact factor: 8.738
Trends in food science & technology
Impact factor: 8.519
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology
Impact factor: 8.511
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Impact factor: 6.704
Food hydrocolloids
Impact factor: 5.839
- Global Food Security : Agriculture Policy Economics and Environment
Impact factor: 5.456
Food Chemistry
Impact factor: 5.399
Food and Energy Security
Impact factor: 4.781
Molecular nutrition & food research
Impact factor: 4.653
Impact factor: 4.520
Food Security
Impact factor: 4.248
Food Engineering Reviews
Impact factor: 4.217
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis
Impact factor: 4.176
Food Microbiology
Impact factor: 4.089
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
Impact factor: 4.085
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