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341 Luật quốc tế
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Từ điển trong thư viện
Từ điển trực tuyến
- The law dictionary
Features Black's Law Dictionary (2nd online ed.)
Luận án, luận văn tại ĐHQGHN
Luận án, luận văn khác
Open Access Theses and Dissertations
(Truy cập mở tới khoảng 2,6 triệu luận án của gần 1000 trường đại học, VNC trên thế giới)
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
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ScienceDirect (Hạn dùng lâu dài)
Springer Link (Đang chờ gia hạn)
Cơ sở dữ liệu thư viện hỗ trợ khai thác (Cơ sở dữ liệu tại Cục Thông tin Khoa học và Công nghệ quốc gia)
Official portal of the Negara Brunei Darussalam Government.
Legal Systems in ASEAN: Brunei
Overview of the Brunei legal system published by the ASEAN Law Association.
Prime Minister's Office Brunei Darussalam
Another gateway to official information on the government of Brunei, including links to the
Tổng quan
Cambodian Center for Human Rights
Press releases, reports and fact sheets relating to human rights in Cambodia.
Cambodian Genocide Program
Resources relating to the Cambodian genocide published by the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University’s MacMillan Center.
Civic Freedom Monitor: Cambodia
Introductory information about the Cambodian legal system by ICNL.
Introduction to Cambodian Law
Book edited by Hor Peng, Kong Phallack and Jorg Menzel. Published in 2012.
Law and Judiciary
Information about Cambodia's legal system by Open Development Cambodia.
Legal Aid of Cambodia
Information on the work of the LAC. Includes information about the country's child protection policy. Website not updated since 2015.
Overview of the Cambodian History, Governance and Legal Sources
2011 guide by Jennifer Holligan and Tarik Abdulhak published on GlobaLex.
Researching Cambodian Law in English
Useful research guide by Julienne Grant, Loyola Law Library.
Thông tin tòa án
Arbitral Decisions
The Arbitration Council provides a dispute settlement framework for the adjudication of labour disputes. Official arbitral decisions are available in Khmer. English versions, where provided, are unofficial translations.
Cambodia Tribunal Monitor
Consortium of academic, philanthropic, and non-profit organisations which provides reports, commentaries, and legal analysis on the proceedings of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)
The government of Cambodia and the UN created the ECCC to bring to trial senior leaders and those most responsible for crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge regime. The court is more commonly referred to as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal or Cambodia Tribunal. Decisions of the court and related court documents are available through this website.
Khmer Rouge Trial Monitor
Updates on the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Project of the Asian International Justice Initiative.
Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand)
1961 and 1962 ICJ judgments on the sovereignty over the region of the Temple of Preah Vihear.
Luật pháp
Constitutional Council of Cambodia
One of the roles of the Council is to interpret the Constitution and the laws adopted by the National Assembly. Decisions (2003-) and basic texts of the Council are published on this website.
Labour Law and Regulations
The Arbitration Council provides a dispute settlement framework for the adjudication of labour disputes. The texts of labour laws and regulations are made available in Khmer and English.
Laws & Regulations
Unofficial English translations of Cambodian laws and regulations are published by the Council for the Development of Cambodia, Cambodian Investment Board and Cambodian Special Economic Zone Board.
Laws, Policies & Agreements
Laws and regulations of Cambodia are made available in Khmer and selectively, in English (unofficial translations), by Open Development Cambodia.
Parliament of Cambodia
The Cambodian parliament is a bicameral legislature and consists of:
Tạp chí
The Cambodia Law and Policy Journal
Academic journal published in both English and Khmer by the Documentation Center of Cambodia (Jan-Dec 2014).
Cambodian Yearbook of Comparative Legal Studies
Yearbook by the Cambodian Society of Comparative Law (with support from USAID). Only Vol 1, 2010 is available in full text on this website.
Tổng quan (Portal Nasional Republik Indonesia)
The official government portal. Information on work carried out by various ministries and access to selected laws.
Indonesian Law Digest (English Hukumonline)
Indonesian legal news in English. For Indonesian laws, NUS staff and students may access the subscription database.
The Indonesian Legal System and Legal Research
Overview of Indonesian law on GlobaLex. Originally written by Alamo D. Laiman, Dewi Savitri Reni, Ronald Lengkong, and Sigit Ardiyanto. Updated by Tom Kimbrough and Dewi Savitri Reni (Jan/Feb 2015)
Legal Systems in ASEAN: Indonesia
Overview of the Indonesian legal system published by the ASEAN Law Association.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia)
Information on Indonesia's international relations as well as foreign policies.
Tòa án
Judiciary of Indonesia
Wikipedia article which provides an overview of the Indonesian judicial system.
Direktori Putusan
Index to the various Indonesian courts and cases in Bahasa Indonesia.
Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia (Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia)
Information about the Supreme Court in Bahasa Indonesia.
Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia)
Information about the Constitutional Court. Includes Constitutional Court decisions in English.
Luật pháp
House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia)
The English website for the House provides information on the law-making process in Indonesia. However, the listing of bills is only available on the Indonesian website.
Produk Hukum
Click on the "Produk Hukum" tab on the Indonesian government portal page to access laws and regulations in Bahasa Indonesia.
Tạp chí
Brawijaya Law Journal
Open access, double peer-reviewed e-journal published by the Law Faculty of Brawijaya University.
Indonesia Law Review
Open access journal published exclusively in English. Initiative of the Djokosoetono Research Center, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.
Cơ sở dữ liệu
Indonesian Legal Digest (Hukumonline)
Subscription databases, both English and Indonesian versions, providing access to Indonesian laws. Registration for ID and password required for access.
Tổng quan
Customary Law and Practice in Lao PDR
Book published in 2011 by the Ministry of Justice with support from UNDP.
Global Legal Monitor: Laos
Global Legal Monitor is an online publication from the Law Library of Congress covering legal news and developments worldwide. The Laos section contains posts by Constance Johnson on legal developments in Cambodia.
Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Official government website. Information in Lao.
Legal System of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Article published by Aristotle T. David and Novah Rose S. De Leon-David on GlobaLex (Nov/Dec 2016).
Permanent Mission of the Lao People's Democratic Republic to the United Nations
Includes UN speeches and statements relating to Laos.
Tòa án
Law on the People’s Court (amended version)
Law relating to the Lao court system and procedures. This amended version was promulgated in Nov 2003.
The People's Supreme Court of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Information on the Supreme Court.
Luật pháp
Compilation of Constitutional and Legislative Provisions on Treaty Practice of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
This compilation, which includes the full text of the Lao constitution, was published by the Centre for International Law, NUS and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (last amended Dec 2012).
International Law Project: Lao PDR
The International Law Project is a Joint Government of Lao PDR - UNDP initiative implemented by the Department of Treaties and Law at The Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Website includes
Lao Laws - Official Translation by the Singapore Government and the UNDP
Lao laws published on the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore, Vientiane website.
Lao Official Gazette
Maintained by the Ministry of Justice, this is the official source for primary and subsidiary legislation of general application at the national, provincial and capital levels. Click on the American flag at the top right hand corner for the English translation. You may search for legislation in English but texts are mainly in Lao.
Lao PDR Trade Portal: Legal Documents
Searchable database of trade-related legal documents, mainly in Lao.
National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Information on the functions of the National Assembly. Although the Legislation List is in English, the full texts of legislation (with the exception of the Constitution) are in Lao.
Nghiên cứu / Báo cáo
Lao People's Democratic Republic: Access to Justice for Children
"This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in national law, the status of children involved in legal proceedings, the legal means to challenge violations of children’s rights and the practical considerations involved in challenging violations." (Jun 2015)
Legal Preparedness for Responding to Disasters and Communicable Disease Emergencies: Study Report: Lao PDR
This study was published by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Asian Development Bank in 2009.
National Survey on Women's Health and Life Experiences 2014 : A Study on Violence against Women
The study forms part of a larger set of actions by the Lao PDR National Commission for the Advancement of Women and the United Nations to promote the prevention of violence and combat domestic violence against women. Report includes recommendations for the government, communities and international partners, including fully implementing key existing laws and policies.
Tổng quan
Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia (Jabatan Peguam Malaysia)
Information on the work of the Malaysian AGC. Contains links to case information, the Laws of Malaysia (LOM) and Federal Gazette.
Bursa Malaysia
The stock exchange of Malaysia provides information relating to the Malaysian securities industry and capital market.
Legal Systems in ASEAN: Malaysia
Overview of the Malaysian legal system published by the ASEAN Law Association.
The Malaysian Bar (Badan Peguam Malaysia)
Information on the practice of law in Malaysia, including laws governing the legal profession. Other resources include Bar Council rulings, court practice directions, articles by legal professionals and legal directories.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra)
Information on Malaysia's foreign policy.
The Malaysian government's official portal for information and services.
Tòa án
Case Information
Information on new cases and status of cases provided by the Attorney General's Chambers.
Website contains case highlights for the week and a listing of the latest Federal Court and Court of Appeal Cases.
Industrial Court of Malaysia
View case details and awards granted by the court in the past week.
The Legal Review - Sample Cases
Sample cases published in the Malaysian Law Review (Appellate Courts), Malaysian Law Review (High Court) and Malaysian Employment Law Review.
Office of the Chief Registrar, Federal Court of Malaysia
Information on the latest legal developments including court cases, links to state court websites and full texts of practice directions.
Luật pháp
e-Federal Gazette
The official portal for the publication of all federal legislation.
Laws of Malaysia (LOM)
The only official publication of the laws of Malaysia. The series incorporates all principal laws of Malaysia enacted after 1969 and pre-1969 laws which have been revised by the Commissioner of Law Revision.
Official Portal of Parliament of Malaysia (Portal Rasmi Parlimen Malaysia)
Portal for Malaysian Acts (in Bahasa Malaysia), bills, Hansard (in Bahasa Malaysia) and order papers.
Sabah State Attorney-General’s Chambers
Operates Sabah LawNet - a database of the state’s enactments, ordinances, rules, regulations, by-laws and state laws declared Federal, and subsidiary legislation.
Sarawak State Attorney-General's Chambers (Jabatam Peguam Besar Negeri Sarawak)
Access to Sarawak LawNet which is the official website for the statutes of Sarawak.
Tạp chí
Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law
Coverage information of this refereed journal published by the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya (1997-). Abstracts of later issues are available on this website.
Jurnal Undang-Undang dan Masyarakat (Malaysian Journal of Law and Society)
A publication of the Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1997-2015). Most issues are available in full text.
Cơ sở dữ liệu
Subscription database containing Malaysian cases, legislation, articles, practice notes and legislative forms. Registration for ID and password required.
Lexis Singapore
The Malayan Law Journal is available via this database.
Subscribers to this database have access to Malaysian Acts, bills, legislative supplements, and government gazettes. Registration for ID and password required.
Tổng quan
An Introduction to the Law and Judicial System of Myanmar
Written for the Myanmar Law Working Paper Series, Centre for Asian Legal Studies (NUS) by Nang Yin Kham (Mar 2014).
The Legal System of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in a Nutshell
Article written by Kyaw Hla Win @ Md. Hassan Ahmed and Md. Ershadul Karim in GlobaLex (Sep 2013).
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Information on Myanmar's foreign policy.
Myanmar Law Library
This project, founded by Remi Nyugen and hosted in France, aims to provide law students, teachers and professionals with tools to analyse the legal system and legal rules of Myanmar.
Online Burma/Myanmar Library
Searchable database containing primary and secondary sources of Myanmar law.
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar President Office
Information about the Myanmar government, including
- Issues of concern
- Notifications
- Orders.
The Supreme Court of the Union
Information about the origin and development of the legal system of Myanmar.
Tòa án
Myanmar Law Library: Case Law
Case law from as early as 1872.
The Supreme Court of the Union
Information on the Myanmar court system, including the Union Judiciary Law. Full texts of the following law reports are also available on the website:
- Burma Law Reports (1948-88; in English until 1968, thereafter in Burmese) and
- Myanmar Law Reports (1989- ; in Burmese)
Luật pháp
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
Information in Burmese about the Assembly of the Union which is made up of two houses - Amyotha Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw. Read more about the national-level bicameral legislature in Wikipedia.
Burma/Myanmar Laws, Decrees and Regulations by Date
Full texts of laws are made available via the Online Burma/Myanmar Library. The earlier codes are in English but later laws are in Burmese.
Amyotha Hluttaw
Information about the House of Nationalities in Burmese. More information provided by the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Pyithu Hluttaw
Information about the House of Representatives. More information provided by the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
The Supreme Court of the Union: Laws
Full texts of the Burma Code in English.
Tạp chí
Judicial Journal
Journal published by the Supreme Court of the Union. Text in English and Burmese. Volume 3, Numbers 2 and 3 are available in full text on the website.
LawKa PaLa: Legal Journal on Burma (previously Legal Issues on Burma Journal)
The journal contains academic articles written by practising lawyers and academics, and relate to legal and political issues in Burma including constitutional reform, rule of law, federalism, refugees, judicial independence, martial law, and religious freedom (1997-2011).
Myanmar Working Paper Series
Papers published by researchers at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies, NUS Faculty of Law.
Tổng quan
Chan Robles Virtual Law Library
ChanRobles & Associates Law Firm presents a goldmine of Philippine legal resources on its website.
Department of Justice
Opinions of the Secretary of Justice as well as rules and procedures relating to the administration of justice.
LAWPHiL Project
Project of the Arellano Law Foundation to digitise and make available all Philippine laws, statutes, jurisprudence, presidential decrees, executive orders, administrative orders, lawyers' tools and other legal materials.
Legal Systems in ASEAN: Philippines
Overview of the Philippine legal system published by the ASEAN Law Association.
Philippine Legal Information Resources and Citations (Part 2)
Published by Milagros Santos-Ong, Director of the Library Services of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, on GlobaLex (Mar 2015).
Philippine Legal Research
Published by Milagros Santos-Ong, Director of the Library Services of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, on GlobaLex (Mar 2015).
Tòa án
Portal of the Philippine Judiciary
Contains links to the Supreme Court and other appellate courts as well as the various offices under the purview of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court E-Library is a primary source for Philippine court decisions and resolutions.
Supreme Court Decisions
Decisions from 1901 published in the Chan Robles Virtual Law Library.
Supreme Court of the Philippines
Official webpage of the Supreme Court containing
- Decisions (1996 - ; available as PDF from Jul 2012)
- Resolutions (2014 -).
Luật pháp
Official Gazette
Official journal of the Republic of the Philippines containing, inter alia, Philippine legal codes, Republic acts, executive orders and proclamations. Website is the online version of the print edition.
Philippines Laws, Statutes and Codes
Published in the Chan Robles Virtual Law Library.
Supreme Court E-Library
This portal is a primary source of information for Philippine laws, executive issuances and treaties.
Tạp chí
Ateneo Law Journal
Student-run legal and academic journal of the Ateneo De Manila University School of Law. Full texts of the journal are available from 1996.
Philippine Law Journal
Publication managed by the Editorial Board, composed of select students of the University of the Philippines College of Law.
Tổng quan
LawNet (access: NUS Law) (access: Other NUS staff & students)
Local database containing Singapore legislation, cases, parliamentary debates, journal articles and selected books.
Lexis Singapore
Access to Woon's Corporations Law, Halsbury's Laws of Singapore and Atkin's Court Forms Singapore.
Luật pháp
Bills introduced
Bills as introduced at their first reading. Published by the Singapore Parliament (Jan 2006-)
*eGazette (Electronic Gazette)
The electronic version of the Government Gazette contains the Bills Supplement, Acts Supplement, Subsidiary Legislation Supplement and Treaties Supplement (1998-). NUS staff and students may approach the Law Library Information Desk for access to the database.
*LawNet (access: Faculty of Law) (access: Other NUS staff & students)
Contains current versions and selected revised editions of Singapore statutes and subsidiary legislation. Also provides access to selected Singapore treaties.
The laws of the Straits Settlements 1835-1919
The C J Koh Law Library has digitised this 5-volume set which contains laws that are an important part of Singapore's legal history.
Official reports: parliamentary debates (Hansard)
Searchable database of Singapore Parliamentary Debates from 1955 onwards. Published by the Singapore Parliament.
Select committee reports
Select Committee Reports from 1955 onwards are available on the Singapore Parliament website.
*Sessional papers of the Colonial Government of Singapore, 1946-1960 [electronic resource] : CO 940
Public sessions of the Colony of Singapore Advisory Council (1947-48) and proceedings of the Singapore Legislative Council (1948-1955)
Singapore Statutes Online (SSO)
Free access to current versions and selected revised editions of Singapore Acts and subsidiary legislation. Maintained by the Attorney General's Chambers.
*Straits Settlements government gazette, 1867-1942 [electronic resource] : CO 276
Contains Bills laid before the Legislative Council of Singapore. Also includes government notifications, proclamations and advertisements.
*Straits Settlements sessional papers, 1855-1940 : CO 275
Database containing reports on the proceedings of the Legislative and Executive Councils of the Straits Settlements from 1867 to 1940.
LawNet: free resources
LawNet provides free access to judgments of the following Singapore courts for the last 3 months:
- Family Court
- State Courts
- Supreme Court.
LawNet (access: Faculty of Law) (access: Other NUS staff & students)
Access to:
- Singapore Law Reports and Singapore Law Reports (Reissue)
- Malayan Law Journal
- Unreported judgments
- Older law reports including Kyshe's Reports, Straits Settlements Law Reports, etc.
- Decisions of various boards, tribunals, etc.
Laws of Singapore: case law
Selected High Court and Court of Appeal judgments from 2005 as well as arbitration cases from 1971.
Lexis Singapore
The Malayan Law Journal, which contains Singapore judgments prior to 1965, is available via this database.
War crimes case files, second world war : WO 235
This series contains the trials of Japanese war criminals by the Military Court in Singapore for crimes committed in Southeast Asia during the Second World War.
Tạp chí
LawNet: free resources
LawNet provides free access to judgments of the following Singapore courts for the last 3 months:
- Family Court
- State Courts
- Supreme Court.
LawNet (access: Faculty of Law) (access: Other NUS staff & students)
Access to:
- Singapore Law Reports and Singapore Law Reports (Reissue)
- Malayan Law Journal
- Unreported judgments
- Older law reports including Kyshe's Reports, Straits Settlements Law Reports, etc.
- Decisions of various boards, tribunals, etc.
Laws of Singapore: case law
Selected High Court and Court of Appeal judgments from 2005 as well as arbitration cases from 1971.
Lexis Singapore
The Malayan Law Journal, which contains Singapore judgments prior to 1965, is available via this database.
War crimes case files, second world war : WO 235
This series contains the trials of Japanese war criminals by the Military Court in Singapore for crimes committed in Southeast Asia during the Second World War.
Báo chí
Newspapers are useful for obtaining information on court cases and other legal matters:
Access to local and international newspapers. Coverage includes the Straits Times and Business Times.
LexisNexis academic
Access to the Straits Times and Business Times.
Digital archive of local newspapers published from 1831 to 2009. Maintained by the National Library Board.
Tổng quan
Introduction to the Legal System and Legal Research of the Kingdom of Thailand
Summary of Thai law by Joe Leeds, managing partner of Chaninat & Leeds.
Legal Systems in ASEAN: Thailand
Information on the Thai legal system. Published by the ASEAN Law Association.
Ministry of Justice
Information on the work of the Ministry in charge of the criminal justice system in the country. Information currently not available in English.
National Assembly of Thailand
The legislature of Thailand. Contains texts of Bills that have been approved and that are being considered.
The National Reform Council, Thailand
Body established to implement government reforms.
Office of the Council of State
Government body responsible for drafting laws and providing legal opinions to the government.
Office of the Reform Commission of Thailand
Information on the work of the law reform agency responsible for revising and developing the laws of the country. E-books and annual reports published by the agency are available but only in Thai.
Royal Thai Government
Official homepage of the Thai government. Information on government policies as well as links to the various ministries.
Royal Thai Government Gazette
The Government Gazette (GG) or Royal Gazette (RG), is the public journal and newspaper of record of Thailand. Laws passed by the government generally come into force after being published in the gazette. This page is in Thai.
Portal provides an online English-language resource of Thai law. Managed and maintained by Chaninat & Leeds.
Tòa án
Administrative Court of Thailand
Information on the court's structure and procedures. Also contains:
Court of Justice
Information about the judicial system, court procedures and annual judicial statistics.
The Future of the Thailand Court of Justice: Current Trends and Challenges
This Article by Kanok Jullamon (Judge, Bankruptcy Division, Supreme Court of Thailand) was published in 2016 and resides in the Singapore State Courts website.
Decisions of the various courts in Thai. Published by the Office of the Council of State.
Luật pháp
Law Translation
Webpage published by the Office of the Council of State providing official and unofficial English translations of Thai legislation. Select "Law Translation" from the menu in the left column.
Legal Translation
English translation of Thai Acts. Published by the Foreign Law Bureau, Office of the Council of State.
Thailand Laws Database
Contains unofficial English translations of Thai Acts. Database is maintained by law firm Chaninat & Leeds.
A selection of unofficial English versions of Thai Acts.
Tạp chí
Thailand Journal of Law and Policy (previously Thailand Law Journal)
Academic law journal specialising in law, governance and societal issues in Southeast Asia. Peer-reviewed by law professors and legal professional (1998-2014, 2016-)